Instrument of Success

We have heard many stories of success that started from scratch; stories that are popularly known as ‘Rags to Riches’. In most cases, when a successful person finds his fortune, he never forgets to look back and help those that may have suffered in the same situation. This applies to the Lengatong Family. Despite their continue reading : Instrument of Success

Candles for Success

Candles are often symbols of prayers. A lit candle signifies that our prayers will reach the Supreme Being as we offer Him our faith and we let Him know the deepest desires of our hearts. Quite literally, candles brought success to one family in Zamboanga Sibugay. Praides Donio works as a candle delivery man who continue reading : Candles for Success

DSWD pleas against fake news

The Department of Social Welfare and Development appeals to social media influencers and content creators to be factual and cautious in their posts regarding the Department and its programs and services. This is after several social media contents were observed to contain erroneous information and misconceptions about DSWD programs. It has been observed that a continue reading : DSWD pleas against fake news