Mrs. Arlyn Capa Betser, 45, married to Mr. Bernard Sabakahan Betser, 42 years of age, a native of Barangay Kitabog, Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay and a registered Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program beneficiary in 2012 bearing household ID number 098315011-3905-00019 of set 4A. Mrs. Arlyn is currently working as stay out house helper with a monthly salary of 4,000 pesos for more than a year now and Mr. Bernard is a rubber tapper in a certain private household which the family’s income derives.  The couple being together for almost 18 years are blessed with 5 children and are all compliant in education with no undesirable and misbehavior records in school.

Before they were members of the 4Ps, Betser Family does not see the value of seeking professional medical help when faced with health issues in the family. This is common to many poor Filipino families as this also means an additional burden to their already unfortunate situation.

In 2008, Lloyd Vincent, the youngest child at the time, was afflicted with a disease at the age of four. Lloyd’s mother first noticed that there was a lump on his neck, thinking it was just a simple lump, that’s why they self-medicated without a doctor’s prescription and also due to lack of finances. They assumed it was just a mumps or “bayuok” that if wiped with melted bluing aniel powder, the swelling would heal.

According to Mrs. Arlyn Betser they also tried to seek help from a faith healer or albularyo. Traditionally, Filipinos resort to this kind of practice either because they follow a certain belief, or they worry too much on financial cost.

Additionally, almost all kinds of drugs including mefenamic and amoxicillin were administered to the child without prescription from a medical professional. As can be recalled by Mrs. Arlyn, Lloyd took a handful of unprescribed drugs overtime. As months passed, the parents observed that Lloyd was gradually losing weight and noticed that the lump on his neck was swelling and Lloyd complained that there were lumps growing in other parts of his body that burst after a few days. The lumps reached the groin part of the child which alarmed the parents. Mrs. Arlyn sought help from everyone who could provide her assistance such as politicians, DSWD, and her last resort was the outreach program at the Ipil Capitol which the Doctor suspected that the lumps were symptoms of tuberculosis of the throat and was advised to visit the clinic of Doctor Herrera in Ipil.

Lloyd then was subjected to several tests including X-ray and Sputum test. The attending doctor confirmed that it was Tuberculosis (TB). When she heard the doctor’s diagnosis, it’s like her world collapsed. She kept asking why her family had to be the one to suffer from the said disease when they already live an unfortunate life.

With the meager income that both Arlyn and Bernard earn for the family, they knew that they cannot afford the medication for their child which costs 400 pesos per box. The treatment would have to be completed for a year. Arlyn strived hard every single day working as a house help, a babysitter, and a part-time laundress to her neighbors. This meant no rest during weekends to sustain her son’s monthly treatment. This only pushed them to the edge of poverty. Unfortunately, after four months of treatment, they can no longer support the child’s medication. They had to stop otherwise they will not be able to feed themselves and survive. They were aware of the possibilities and severity if the child’s treatment is stopped. The swollen lumps on Lloyd’s neck became more visible weeks after without medication. Due to the alarming condition of the child, they went back to his doctor and were given free 1 box of medicine and free consultation as help to them.

The attending doctor recommended that Lloyd must complete the medication and therefore Mrs. Arlyn borrowed 6,000 pesos from her employer for the medicine that lasted them six months. After a long month of treatment Lloyd’s illness was healed.

4 years had past and Arlyn would undergo the same struggle as she had been. Bernard, her husband, showed similar symptoms as Lloyd had. Learning from her previous experience with Lloyd, she skipped self-medication and the faith healer and went directly for a professional consultation in Zamboanga City. Despite the financial constraints, Arlyn was convinced that her husband might have been suffering from TB. Her knowledge of the symptoms of TB as observed with Lloyd in the past told her that her husband contracted the same disease.

A prescription was given by the doctor, and they were able to avail free medical assistance for 1 year since free medicine was already available at Titay’s Health Center.

They say that the third time is a charm but in Arlyn’s case, this third time is a misfortune. Her eldest child, Leah, was infected with Tuberculosis in 2015. But Arlyn knows better now. Leah’s case was not as worse because upon detecting the symptoms, Arlyn immediately took her to the nearest health center and was able to undergo a 6-month treatment.

After their experiences battling Tuberculosis not once, not twice, but thrice, Betser Family learned the importance of knowing the early symptoms, early detection, diagnosis and early treatment, and adhering to the prescribed treatment. More importantly, they realized that self-medication could worsen a situation and seeking professional help is essential to a better living.

In 2018, realizing the importance and power of knowledge about health particularly on TB awareness, Arlyn requested for a special FDS (Family Development Session) to be conducted among her co-4Ps beneficiaries in their area. Arlyn was open to sharing her story so others would learn and see how valuable knowledge and awareness is especially for poor families like them.

Since then, the Betser Family has become advocates of TB awareness, participating in advocacy programs, and conducting knowledge-sharing sessions on TB Treatment.

Personally, they now maintain a vegetable garden in their backyard to ensure that nutritious food helps them stay away from any illness. Cultivating the garden soil also serves as their daily exercise to keep their physical body active and strong. They also stay away from vices hence they have an over-all improved health.

As an advocate, Arlyn was one of those who participated in the community support group held at Titay Health Center along with other parents for them to gain and share knowledge on TB awareness. This is where Arlyn was able to share her realizations and insights on the matter that personally impacted her family.

Last June 20, 2023, the TB Awareness module was introduced to the 4Ps beneficiaries through the Family Development Sessions (FDS). As of this day, Arlyn and her family continues to advocate for awareness on TB detection and treatment in their community.

“Grabe kaayo ang kapait atong panahona ma’am nga akong bana ang nagsakit human akong mga anak nag-eskwela pero padayon ra gyud gihapon sila sa eskwela  nahimo gyud nako ang tanan ulan ug init , nawala ang akong kaulaw nga muduol asa puwede mangayo ug tabang arun naa lang gyuy para palit ug tambal pero wala gyud sa akong huna-huna nga mubiya, kung nasalod pa akong mga luha atong panahona ma’am dili gyud masakto sa isa ka baso”.

(It was such a challenging time when my husband has acquired the disease, and the kids were still in school, and they managed to do so. I did everything I could, rain or shine, I became empowered to seek help just so I can afford to buy medicines. But it was never in my mind to leave them behind.

During the years of being a beneficiary of the program, the grantee learned on the conditions set by the programs on Health and Education specially attending the Family Development Services. The program helped the household in terms of Education, importance of attending Family Development Services and Health availment. Since 2018 to present the household of Arlyn Betser are TB- Free.