Time flies so fast.

Looking back, my high school was comparable to a movie –there was a lot of drama, it was eventful, there was a lot of (rather unfortunate) things that happened. It was when I was able to discover myself and found out who I am as a person. It was a tough phase, but it was needed.

Jarricklyn proudly receives her diploma during collage graduation.

Things changed when I entered college. We became part of one of the programs of the Department of Social Work and Development (DSWD), the 4Ps. It fed our empty stomach as we were able to receive stipend for food and nutrition, and most importantly, it also fed our minds that are hungry for knowledge and learning. We, the children, were able to go to school while our parents got to go to what they call the FDS (Family Development Session) or their own version of a learning environment.

As a student that belonged to a less fortunate family, it helped me a lot financially. It afforded me pay my tuition, boarding house rental and other fees in school. By that, it also means that it made my college journey less stressful somehow. I finished my college degree last 2017 as Cum Laude at Western Mindanao State University. My brother also graduated in Senior High School as Class Valedictorian, and my two younger sisters were with honors in their respective schools.

I am so much thankful to this program for letting my family to be part of it. Also, for helping me reach my goals. May you continue to help every Filipino who needs assistance. God bless you even more and more power to the program and to the staff and employees of DSWD!

Jarricklyn Villaganas
4Ps Beneficiary-Zamboanga Sibugay Province