Convergence, in this context, is when two or more organizations unite in addressing specific social welfare concerns of a family/ies. It is often said that no man is an island. The same is true with social services delivery especially if the target is poverty alleviation. Not one agency will be able to do the job alone. Success is only achieved by a family when the family is provided with a holistic intervention.

In Barangay San Roque in the Municipality of Gutalac, Province of Zamboanga del Norte, one family is a testament to the impact of a holistic approach in social services. Through convergence, the family was able to move forward from survival level of well-being to self- sufficiency.

Demagnaong Family

Demagnaong family has not always been successful. Like many of us, they, too experienced hardships, failures, and downfalls. But with through their availment of various social services, they were able to stand, and stand tall amidst vicissitudes in life. Richard, the household head, was a carpenter. As one, his income is not regular. He only gets income whenever there is a project to work on. And it does not even pay that much. Whenever he is not doing carpentry, one will find him plowing a portion of the land owned by his parents. He plants coconut trees, fruit trees, and root crops which helps then earn extra. But with a family of seven, these efforts will surely fall short.

Mrs. Demagnaong participates as Resource Person during FDS.

In 2008, the family was enlisted to the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, human capital investment that invests on the health, nutrition, and education of poor households for an improved well-being. As an active member, Mrs. Demagnaong was elected as Parent Leader since 2008 until the present. In many instances, she shares knowledge on relevant topics discussed during their Family Development Sessions (FDS).

The program opened doors of opportunities for the Demagnaong family. They were able to avail assistance from the Sustainable Livelihood Program and gained knowledge and skills in livelihood.

Other than her involvement in the Pantawid Pamilya, she is also a member of the KALIPI women’s association, chairperson of the San Roque cooperative, a member of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), and an active catechist. They were also able to avail the cacao plantation from the Department of Agriculture (DA).

All of these involvements have contributed to the success that they are reaping today.

The eldest son, Mark Ceasar, is already married and lives separately with own family. Catherine, is a graduate of Bachelor in Science in Elementary Education and is now working as a Police Officer assigned in Ipil Police Station; Flordeliza who is also a graduate of Education works as a Non-Uniform Personnel under the Philippine National Police; John Ivan, a graduate of Criminology, is now undergoing a 60-day training course mandatory for policemen, BISOC; while youngest daughter, Christine Shen, is attending school at Gutalac National High School as a Grade-10 student.

The house structure of Demagnaong Family

The Demagnaong Children