OIC-Regional Director
DSWD Field Office IX

You are a 4Ps Champion! In over a decade, we have seen several lives that changed, lives that succeeded, and lives that become sturdy pillars in nation-building. This graduation ceremony is proof of how far we all have come as beneficiaries, as program implementers, and as contributors to the well-being of the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized families and individuals.

As your OIC Regional Director, it gives me so much joy and fulfillment to see that families who were once at survival state are now realizing their dreams, their aspirations, and they continue to strive hard to unleash their true potential –that despite the limited resources of the government, they can step out of the vicious cycle of poverty. Many have been said about the program and its beneficiaries, yet you are here, the living documents that tell the world that the poor is worth fighting for.

Today, you are provided with equal opportunities to start over, to stand on your own feet, and to chase the life that you all deserve and have dreamt for your families.

To the 4Ps graduates, celebrate, but remain motivated. As you move up from this program, I want you to focus even harder on your goal. Bring with you the things that you have learned from the program, use it to maximize your potential of success. Always remember that 4Ps has prepared you to be life-ready. If you keep that mind, you will win your battle against poverty.

To our very own City and Municipal Links, our Social Welfare Officers, the Provincial Links, and all field staffs, you are the true frontline warriors in this social welfare battlefield. I know how difficult and how stressful your job is, many times you go beyond your expected duties, you spent countless sleepless nights doing case managements and ensuring that every family is monitored and given appropriate intervention. For that, you deserve the best form of accolades. Words can never measure up to our appreciation to your efforts and hard-work. You all did a very good job!

May this day be a day of celebration and inspiration to all. Thank you for letting us be instruments of change, for letting us be part of your success, and for giving us the opportunity to touch lives in the most humble and genuine way.

 Once again, congratulations and continue to be champions in life.

RPC’s Message to 4Ps Graduates

Regional Program Coordinator
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

My warmest felicitations to all graduates of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. We have been together for the past decade and your accomplishments fill our hearts with so much fulfillment. This graduation is what we can consider as one of the highlights of the decade as we witness and reap the fruits of the program.

As you leave the comfort of Pantawid guidance, may you always remember the knowledge that the program instilled in you. Let this occasion be an opportune time for you to reflect on the beautiful experiences you have had with 4Ps that, in one way or another, have molded you to become strong, resilient, and ready for whatever life throws you.

Your journey with 4Ps ends here but the program and the Department will always be on the lookout for better services for you and other families that we may be of help to. Let this also be a challenge to you; a challenge that will serve as your propeller that will push you to do better, to reach higher, and to aim further.

4Ps has only shown you what you already have: the will, the determination, the help from the government and non-government agencies. It is up to you now to start acting on these things and brave the challenge ahead of you.

The road to a better quality of life is never easy, nevertheless, it is not impossible. You always have us by your side continuously guiding your way to your success. And with the help of a bigger coalition now between the LGU and other partner stakeholders, I personally know that you can reach your goals.

To the graduates, continue to be an emblem of excellence in your community. Be an epitome of what a 4Ps family is even when you are already alumni of the program.   

My desire is that when we meet again, you will be able to look back to your past with gratefulness and look forward to your future with confidence.

Congratulations and may your graduation be the beginning of more triumphs in your life.