A 54-year old farmer from Ramon Magsaysay, Zamboanga del Sur was recently named as region IX’s Modelong Ama ng Pantawid Pamilya 2017. Modelong Ama is an initiative of the Department of Social Welfare and Development under its cash-conditional transfer program, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.

Dario Aligaya, father of 4, bested three other contenders/representatives from the provinces of Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay and Zamboanga City.

Aligaya went to several stages of selection prior to being selected as a nominee for the regional search. After thorough validation and deliberation of the Regional Selection Team (RST) composed of the Regional Program Coordinator, Family Development Session Focal, Beneficiary Data Management Division Focal and Men Oppose Violence against women and children Everywhere (MOVE) President, the RST was convinced that Aligaya embodies the character of a Pantawid Pamilya beneficiary who can champion women empowerment and gender-equality within the context of the program and its communities.

The Modelong Ama ng Pantawid Pamilya 2017 plays a significant role in the achievement of the program’s goals and objections particularly in involving men in the empowerment of women. The winner shall serve as a male ambassador of the Pantawid Pamilya; he will be the voice of the program who can share his knowledge and learning experiences in life as an epitome of a good father, husband, son, community actor and/or gender-advocate during Family Development Sessions or in any GAD-related activities.

This is the first time that the Department has conducted such an activity and DSWD plans to make it an annual event. Among all regions in the country, only region IX has awarded monetary prizes to the participants and the winner.

Aligaya received P5,000 for bagging the first place. P4,000 was given to Pablo Resurreccion from Zamboanga Sibugay; P3,000 for Freddie Mahinay of Zamboanga City; P2,000 for Fernando Ponce of Zamboanga del Norte who bagged 2nd, 3rd and 4th place, respectively. All of the regional nominees have also received plaques of appreciation for supporting the advocacy.

Aligaya will be competing in the national search for Modelong Ama 2017 on March 28-30, 2017 in Manila.

This advocacy is conducted to bring about “transformed gender relations” among beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilya as well as push for homes that are free from gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence.

Furthermore, it intends to build community icons/models amongst men who champion better gender-relations in their homes and in the community.