As the second round of household assessment kicks off, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) explores a more efficient means of identifying poor households/families in the region. The department will be utilizing mobile devices (tablets) in the conduct of the house-to-house assessments in identified urban areas/barangays.

The utilization of these tablets aims to hasten the process from the actual assessment to acquiring results.

“(We will be using tablets) mobile for urban barangays for faster transmission (of data gathered by the field workers) to the National Project Management Office (NPMO) for Proxy Means Test (PMT) processing,” explained Regional Focal Person, Hasan B. Alfad.

DSWD has allocated a budget amounting to 1 million pesos for the purchase of 50 units of tablet and 20 laptops to be used during the assessment.

A total of 186,672 households out of the targeted 688,495 that reside in urban barangays will be assessed by the field enumerators of the Listahanan, DSWD.

The National Household Targeting Office (NHTO)-Listahanan of the DSWD spearheads the implementation of this project.

Listahanan is an information management system that identifies who and where the poor are in the country. The system makes available to National Government Agencies (NGAs) and other social protection stakeholders a database of poor families as reference in identifying potential beneficiaries of social protection program.



Regional Associate Statistician, Sharon Faith Marzan, checks system on android device.